Will the British Royals Rush in Where the Prime Minister Fears To Tread?
Our London columnist has a hard time seeing President Trump as some kind of gee-shucks fan-boy.

Way back in 1917, an editorial in the Spectator entitled âThe United States and Britainâ spoke thus: âIt would be easy to write down a hundred reasons why unclouded friendship and moral co-operation between the United States and Britain are a benefit to the world, and why an interruption of such relations is a detriment to progress and a disease world-wide in its effects.
âQuarrelling and misunderstanding between the British and American peoples are like a thing contrary to Nature. They are so contrary to Nature that the times of misunderstanding have always seemed to us abnormal, and a return to friendship not an achievement of wise diplomacy (as one might feel such a result to be in our relations with other countries) but merely a resumption of the normal.â
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