Video of 14-Year-Old Unrwa Student Calling for Jews To Be ‘Wiped From All of Palestine’ Among New ‘Trove of Evidence’ About UN Agency
A United Nations monitoring group is releasing documents that further expose Unrwa’s ‘complicity with terror.’

Palestinian children enrolled in schools operated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East are reportedly being taught to “fight back and resist” so that “Palestine will be liberated and our lands will return to us by the good grace of Allah.”
That’s a direct quote from a 14-year-old student studying at an Unrwa school at Ein Arik, who is featured in a harrowing interview released by a United Nations monitoring group, UN Watch, on Wednesday. The video is just one of the documents that UN Watch — a strident critic of the agency — has pulled out from its “massive new trove of evidence” that put on display Unrwa’s “complicity with terror.”
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