Victory for Historic Youth Cadet Corps, as Assembly Passes Legislation To Halt Eviction From Home of 120 Years
The bipartisan legislation that grants the Knickerbocker Greys permission to keep their space in the Seventh Regiment Armory on Park Avenue awaits the signature of Governor Hochul.

A venerable youth cadet corps, the Knickerbocker Greys, is one step closer to being granted permission to stay in the Seventh Regiment Armory on Manhattan’s Park Avenue, its home for more than 120 years, following the passage of legislation in the state assembly last night.
The bill’s passing brings the Greys closer to victory in its two-year quarrel with the Park Avenue Conservancy, a performing arts nonprofit organization that sought to evict the Greys from its home at the armory. The legislation now awaits the signature of Governor Hochul.
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