Unraveling the Complexities of the Marilyn Monroe Look
No matter the plethora of books about Marilyn Monroe, Terry Newman’s book breaks new ground — largely because its author writes with such authority and insight about an artist whose work continues to inspire.

‘Marilyn Monroe Style’
By Terry Newman
ACC Art Books, 224 Pages
One sentence at the end of the first section of “Marilyn Monroe Style,” titled “Formative Years,” is evocative of Terry Newman’s purpose. Noting how many “high-profile designers” and fashion houses created clothing for the movie icon, Ms. Newman adds: “However, the clothes she would wear once she became a star; the yin and yang of dressing down and aspiring to dress up is the core of Marilyn’s fashion styling. She was a product of the Great Depression, the war and the Hollywood glitz and glamour of the movies, and her wardrobe announced this.”
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