Trump Hits a Homer on CNN With ‘Drill, Drill, Drill’
He vows to cut taxes and reduce regulations, and if he stays on message, he’ll win.

President Trump had a very good night last night on CNN. If you love him, you’ll agree with me. If you hate him — like all the CNN commentators who trashed their own town hall in a wonderful act of media self-immolation by a network that no one watches — then you won’t agree with me.
If you’re in the middle somewhere, I think you’d be very interested in his strong grasp on policy, his steady demeanor, and his sense of humor — including while he was under assault from host Kaitlyn Collins — even if you don’t agree with him on everything, I still think middle-of-the-roaders would at least have grudging respect for Mr. Trump and how he handled himself.
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