Palestinian Police Forces Accused of Encouraging Terror Under Guise of Oslo Accords
The Palestinian Authority is said to be the largest recipient in the world of foreign aid per capita, and its security force is the biggest in the world in per capita terms.

President Biden will soon be confronted with damning evidence of terrorism within the Palestinian Authority Security Forces in a report that challenges his advocacy for a two-state solution and could pave the way for a new diplomatic approach for the Jewish State.
An Israeli non-governmental organization, Regavim, plans to bring to Washington’s doorstep a report that Palestinian security forces have glorified dozens of staff members who carried out terrorist attacks against Israelis. Evidence of that “pay-for-slay” program could be a wake-up call to scrap the political framework of the Oslo Accords of 1993 and 1995, which formed the security forces in the name of protecting peace and security with Israel.
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