Judge Cannon’s ‘Parallel Legal Universe’ — and Ours
A liberal group wants Judge Cannon off the case even before the 11th Circuit rules on whether she was correct on the merits.

“Sentence first, verdict afterwards” is how the Queen of Hearts puts it in “Alice in Wonderland,” but Her Highness could have been ruminating on the effort to remove Judge Aileen Cannon from the Mar-a-Lago case against President Trump. The latest apparition through the looking glass is an amicus brief to the 11th United States Appeals Circuit from Citizens from Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.
That’s the group that sought to disqualify Trump from office under the 14th Amendment — only to be rebuffed by a unanimous United States Supreme Court. It ended CREW’s effort to use the 14th Amendment to brand Trump as an insurrectionist. Even the liberal justices demurred from endorsing such constitutional cowboyism. Now CREW is at it again, asking the 11th Circuit to remove Judge Cannon from the Mar-a-Lago case.
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