Ivy League Anti-Israel Protests Could Prove More Dangerous Than January 6 or Charlottesville
The First Amendment protects the right to say idiotic things, but the marketplace of ideas also requires that speakers be held accountable for the words they speak, especially if they are hateful ones.

The demonstrations currently taking place on many Ivy League campuses are not only about Palestinians, Gaza, or even Israel. The war in Gaza is providing an excuse for anti-American and anti-Western radicals and anarchists to try to damage and weaken our government and those of other Western democracies.
None of the slogans call for a two-state solution or for release of the hostages. At a minimum they call for the end of Israel “from the river to the sea” and its replacement by either an Islamic caliphate or a radical left-wing tyrannical state. Few protesters are seeking democracy, civil liberties, equality or decency.
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