It’s Time To Reframe the Vaccine Debate
By its very nature, then, healthcare is personal, an N=1 equation where each person’s unique factors should determine treatment.

Though Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has now been confirmed as the Trump Administration’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, the debate over vaccine safety and efficacy is far from over. Unfortunately, most of what gets debated overlooks the most salient point — vaccines, like all healthcare, work best through personalization.
With a century of clinical evidence demonstrating that vaccines, when properly prepared and administered, either prevent or reduce the severity of numerous infectious diseases, many Americans, especially healthcare professionals, consider the science settled.
Yet, the “anti-vaxxer” community continues to grow, continuing to question both the efficacy and safety of vaccines. Indeed, according to a recent survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center 28 percent of American adults now oppose to childhood vaccines mandates to attend school. However, the debate between vaxxers and anti-vaxxers, when viewed from the lens of personalized medicine, becomes not a debate at all.
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