Indictment of Trump — the Leading Candidate To Unseat the Administration — Is a Moment To Keep an Open Mind and Wait for the Facts
The burden is on this administration to demonstrate that the case is so strong that failing to bring it would be a great injustice.

The indictment of President Trump better be the strongest case of obstruction of justice since Richard Nixon. Anything short of that will smack of a partisan double standard. For never before in American history has the leading candidate to unseat the incumbent President been indicted by the incumbent President’s administration.
The burden is on this administration to demonstrate that the case is so strong that failing to bring it would be a great injustice. It must be far stronger than the cases that were not brought against Hillary Clinton, Joseph Biden, Sandy Berger, and Mike Pence. Perhaps it passes that test, and if it does there will be no basis for any complaint.
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