Georgia Secretary of State Prods ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ Creator, Larry David, for Plotline Poking Fun at State’s Election Laws
‘We apologize if you didn’t receive celebrity treatment at the local jail,’ Brad Raffensperger says. ‘I’m afraid they’ve gotten used to bigger stars.’

The Georgia secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, doesn’t seem to appreciate an ongoing joke at the expense of the state’s election laws that is at the center of the final season of Larry David’s HBO series, “Curb Your Enthusiasm.”
In the show, the main character, played by Mr. David, is arrested for giving a friend a bottle of water while she waits in a line to vote, a violation of one of Georgia’s election laws. The arrest, which happens in the first episode of the show’s 12th season, results in a trial looming over the entire season, which is set to end this Sunday.
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