Expel Russia From the Security Council
France’s intellectual superstar, Bernard-Henri Lévy, on an idea whose time has come.

It’s nice to see Bernard-Henri Lévy emerge for expelling Russia from the United Nations Security Council. He’s calling — in an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal — for reopening the decision, made in 1991, to give to the Russian Federation the seat and veto in the Security Council of the dying Soviet Union. Mr. Lévy would have the UN negate that decision and give the seat, and veto, to Ukraine.
Welcome to the fight, we say. We’ve been warning about the illegitimacy of Russia’s role in the security council since the start of the war. It was shocking how Ukraine was treated when it sought to make its case before the world body. It walked into the Security Council to complain about a prima facie violation of the UN charter being committed against it by Russia. The first thing Ukraine discovered was Russia was chairing the meeting.
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