Electric Vehicles Prove To Be More Status Symbols for the Elite Than Technological Marvels
One assumes there would be a profitable niche market for EVs if the industry significantly scaled back production. Let’s find out.

Because of their modern designs, we might be led to believe that electric cars are technological marvels. Yet, really, most of the purported conveniences and innovations of new EVs are already available in most standard gas-powered cars at a far cheaper price. EVs are, at best, a lateral technology for most consumers — if you never plan on driving in the cold or long distances, that is.
Yet, judging from the number of EV spots on television, which have increased by nearly 400 percent over the past few years, you’d think that Americans were clamoring to buy them. EV sales have risen only a fraction of the percentage since last year despite the endless good press, the endless ads, and the endless government subsidies.
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