Democrats Enter Panic Mode as Harris’s Faltering Candidacy Threatens To Bring Down the Obama-Biden Era

The most fecund arsenal of dirty tricks in the history of the country has failed to derail President Trump’s campaign for a second term.

AP/Carolyn Kaster
Vice President Harris reacts as President Biden shakes hands with President Obama at the White House on April 5, 2022. AP/Carolyn Kaster

How refreshing it is to see the Democratic Party in full panic mode. Nothing is working and as a result, the entire and profoundly unsuccessful Obama-Biden interlude is stricken and faltering. In fairness to the voters, the country could not have voted Republican in 2008 after the disaster of President George W. Bush — the Iraqi war topped out by the financial collapse and panic traceable to President Clinton’s requirement that the financial markets be flooded with commercially unsustainable mortgages. 

There had to be a change, as there usually is after two terms of the same party, and Senator McCain was not a skilled national campaigner. Barack Obama was, and it was certainly time for a non-white president. The country would have done better with General Colin Powell filling that role, but he was not possessed by the mad egotism that propels many people to seek the presidency.

Mr. Obama was a somewhat popular president, as a fluent and attractive personality, but he was not a good president. The hallmarks of his regime were Obamacare, which was dishonestly presented and had a great many imperfections, though it may, on balance, have constituted progress; the insane green crusade, which was a terrible albatross around the neck of American industry and was based on a lot of unproved premises, and the catastrophic nuclear agreement with Iran. 

That pact permitted Tehran to arm itself with nuclear weapons next year, precisely on schedule to what it will achieve if neither the government of Israel nor a re-elected Trump administration intervenes to prevent that. It is a flimsy and unimpressive record and in assessing Mr. Obama’s presidency, it should also be remembered that Mr. Obama refocused American political discourse on race, social atomization, and the promotion of minority grievances at excessive expense to the reputation of the United States as a fundamentally decent country.

Mr. Obama apologized for the manner in which President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Churchill had conducted the Western Allies to victory in World War II, though they are justly renowned as two of the greatest leaders in the history of democratic countries. He apologized for President Truman’s use of the atomic bomb in 1945 and for President Eisenhower’s role in the overthrow of radical Iranian leader Mohamed Mossadegh in 1953, though both activities were justifiable and all four of these men were immensely more distinguished statesmen than Mr. Obama. 

Mr. Obama claimed to wish to reform America, but gave many millions of people the impression that he wished to punish the country that had raised him up to its highest office. He was also fully aware of the shameful attempt to manipulate the 2016 election result by the politicization of the intelligence agencies and the FBI in promoting the scurrilous defamation that President Trump had colluded with the Russian government to win the election.                    

Mr. Obama cautioned Joe Biden about running for president in 2020 and cautioned everyone within earshot about how inept a president he might prove to be. By 2020 the Democratic party had largely been captured by the socialist senator, Bernie Sanders, and after Mayor Bloomberg spent $937 million to win the votes of five delegates from American Samoa, Mr. Obama gave his blessing to the ethically and practically bankrupt formula of nominating Mr. Biden for president on Mr. Sanders’ far left platform. 

Despite substantially outspending Trump in the campaign and having the support of 95 percent of the national political press, the Democrats’ victory raised concerns about the potential harvesting of millions of unsolicited mail-in ballots and the use of unsupervised drop boxes, under rules to facilitate voting in the pandemic, to pull out the victory. 

The Biden administration has been a disaster in every major policy area: more than 10 million illegal immigrants including scores of thousands of violent criminals, the worst military debacle in American history in Afghanistan, an average inflation rate more than three times what Trump had while converting Trump’s 8.2 percent gain in real median income for Americans compared with just 1.3 percent growth under Mr. Biden, according to an analysis by the Wall Street Journal. The revived green terror has been an even greater fiasco than Mr. Obama’s introductory version of the same mistaken policy.         

Mr. Obama appears to have been instrumental in pulling the rug from under Mr. Biden’s attempted reelection, once he was clearly headed for defeat, but was unable to get a last-minute open convention to seek the best candidate. He and Mr. Biden between them anointed Vice President Harris, as the hapless defender against an avenging Trump, and she is now likely to bring America safely to the end of the whole benighted, sinister, and misbegotten Obama-Biden interlude in American history. 

The most fecund arsenal of dirty tricks in the history of the country has failed. Trying to represent Trump is an insurrectionist, on no evidence, showering him with spurious criminal indictments suitably amplified by the chronically partisan and morally bankrupt national political press, the completely false claim that the advocacy of American greatness is synonymous with fascist dictatorship: None of it has worked.

In what must be close to the Democrats’ last reserves of skullduggery, CBS News has simply allowed Ms. Harris to substitute rehearsed answers for the one she actually gave in what purported to be an accurate interview, so her usual incomprehensible word salad about the Middle East was replaced with false professions of purposeful and useful activity by the administration, which is in fact promoting a cease-fire that would assure the survival of the most odious terrorist organizations in the world, Hamas and Hezbollah.

Mr. Obama himself has set out on the campaign trail and accused his fellow African-American men of misogyny in not flocking with greater enthusiasm to Ms. Harris. Her own blitz of fawning and groveling interviews has been an unimaginable shambles, and in the Democrats’ desperation they have canceled Mr. Biden’s brilliantly conceived trip to Angola three weeks before the election and are sending out the political relic, President Clinton, out on the campaign trail.

The Democrats can be counted on to try to stuff the voting boxes with harvested ballots, but the Republicans have mounted a serious and professional effort to prevent this. Overconfidence is never justified in politics but with three weeks to go, it appears that God will again bless America by allowing the great Obama-Biden fraud to stumble, slowly, sadly, and foolishly, to an end.

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