Aliveform Proves the Most Interesting Shoes Are 3D-Printed
Japan’s Aliveform sells a range of interesting, stylish 3D-printed shoes — and they feel just as good as they look.

“Sneakerhead” is a term with mixed connotations. In the best way, it refers to a group of passionate persons who love the designs and stories behind great shoes, collecting the best just as you would great art or books. That’s why I collect; and it’s why I dislike those who simply buy the latest releases because they’re popular. It would be someone who only buys from the “best seller” section of a bookstore, or a self-described cinéaste who only watches the top program on Netflix.
I have almost 100 pairs in my shoe collection. But though I have Jordans, Yeezys, and many classics, the pairs that get the most attention are from one small brand out of Japan, Aliveform, which recently showed off their new collection in Paris.
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