Alex Jones Releases Video Game Where Players Play as Alex Jones and Kill American Leaders
‘They want us to be gay. And I say, “No,”’ an animated version of the Infowars host says. ‘Never will I bow to Satan. This is a war on our souls.’

Since the nearly $1 billion ruling against Alex Jones in a defamation suit in 2022, the far-right radio host has been scrambling to find new ways to supplement his income from Infowars. His latest effort is an official Alex Jones video game where players play as an animated machine gun-wielding Mr. Jones and go after a variety of American politicians, billionaires, gay frogs, and the residents of San Francisco.
In “NWO War,” an abbreviation for New World Order War, players play as Mr. Jones and make their way through five levels: the Laboratory, San Francisco, the Island, Canada Protest, and Davos, CH.
In the Laboratory, players can take out a scientist named “Dr. Fooker,” who has “hatched a plan to turn everyone into a gay frog by injecting you with an mRNA LGBTQ tadpole technology vaccine.”
In this level, players fight syringe-wielding scientists and a stand-in character for billionaire Bill Gates while the player character cracks jokes like, “This is as fake as big Mike being a woman,” in reference to the conspiracy theory that first lady Michelle Obama is transgender.
“Mmm, I’m going to lower the world’s population — ha ha,” a Mr. Gates-esque character says while the Mr. Jones character unloads an animated minigun into the Mr. Gates character.
In the San Francisco level, the Mr. Jones character says that tech employees in the city are “not human, and they are wiping us off the face of the Earth with a smile on their Satanic faces.”
“I am prepared to single-handedly defeat big tech lizzardnerd,” Mr. Jones’s character says.
Players, as the Mr. Jones character, are then expected to kill the residents of San Francisco and rainbow-color frogs as the player character says, “I’ll eat your ass,” before the players then go on to kill a giant lizard that resembles billionaire Mark Zuckerberg.
In the Island level, players are brought to sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s island and asked to free digital children who are “being kidnapped and are being turned into a stew for the globalist elites to eat so they can live forever.”
In this level, players are required to kill a giant skeleton, a digital rendering of President Clinton, who has been accused of visiting Epstein’s island, which he denies. The digital Mr. Clinton plays the saxophone while standing on top of what appears to be a mosque. Players can also take on a character called the “Wicked Witch of the West Wing,” who resembles Speaker Pelosi.
“Paul McCartney died 50 years ago,” the Mr. Jones character says for some reason as he kills Mr. Clinton’s character.
At this point in the story, a flying character representing President Trump, also an associate of Epstein who has not been accused of wrongdoing, appears and accompanies the player, shooting enemies with laservision.
In the Canada Protest level, players are asked to shoot trucks on the highway as a conservative TV personality, Tucker Carlson, joins them on the highway to destroy trucks on the road. At the end of the level, players are able to kill “Castro Jr.,” a reference to the conspiracy theory that Prime Minister Trudeau’s real father is a late Cuban president, Fidel Castro.
“These gay frogs are really grossing me out,” the Mr. Carlson character says.
In the final level, players are asked to prevent the “great reset” by stopping a plan by Davos attendees to “drop a gay frog nuke that will turn the entire world into soft mushy pink amphibians.”
“They want us to be gay. And I say, ‘No,’” the Mr. Jones character says. “Never will I bow to Satan. This is a war on our souls.”
Players are then asked to kill a so-called Nazi Dragon with the face of billionaire George Soros, before moving on to kill the final bosses of the game, the “Giant Puppet Octopus” and the “All Powerful Globalist,” the latter of whom appears to resemble Davos’s founder, Klaus Schwab.
Throughout the levels, players are encouraged to take digital versions of the supplements Mr. Jones sells on Infowars’s website, as they kill rainbow-colored characters as the player character makes homophobic exclamations.
The game, being sold for $20.24, is only about 30 minutes long, and many reviews have complained that it is not worth the price tag.
Mr. Jones has been ordered to pay the families of the victims of the school shooting at Sandy Hook nearly $1.5 billion in total. Any proceeds from the game that Mr. Jones keeps will potentially end up going to the Sandy Hook families, who offered to settle for $85 million in November in the hopes of at least getting some money from Mr. Jones, who filed for bankruptcy the same month.
Mr. Jones had falsely claimed that the school shooting, which saw more than 20 children murdered, was a hoax and that the grieving parents were paid actors.