Which Is Worse — the Bidenomics or the Corruption?

It grows difficult to untangle the two as the economy is battered by rising prices and falling family incomes.

AP/Patrick Semansky, file
President Biden attends his granddaughter Maisy Biden's commencement ceremony with first lady Jill Biden and children Hunter Biden and Ashley Biden at the University of Pennsylvania. AP/Patrick Semansky, file

Speaker McCarthy has declared an impeachment inquiry into the Biden family’s culture of corruption, so, as a non-lawyer, I thought I’d make a little list to assist the House efforts, in my own small way.  

First, we have the Oversight Committee chairman, James Comer, who has been designated the lead in the inquiry. Parenthetically, I could talk some more about rising prices and falling family incomes. Also, rising poverty rates. This is all the failure of Bidenomics.  

We could also talk about rising energy prices. AAA reports the national average for a gallon of gasoline is now up to $3.86. Oil in the world markets is now $93 a barrel, on its way to $100. This is killing middle-class working families. It’s also killing low-income people.  

Refined petroleum products permeate the entire economy, affecting hundreds of prices — and President Biden’s war on fossil fuels has cut production, jacked up the prices of almost everything, and played right into the hands of the OPEC+ crowd that includes all our favorites, such as Iran, Venezuela, Russia, and the Saudis. That whole story is sheer insanity.  

Yet, having said all that about the failure of Bidenomics, bear with me while I go back to my small contribution to Chairman Comer’s investigations of the Biden culture of corruption. According to reports, nine family members received foreign money from places like China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Kazakhstan — including one grandchild.  

Half of the money was given to Mr. Biden, according to son Hunter. Ten percent of various deals were given to “the Big Guy,” according to Tony Bobulinski. At least 20 calls were made by various Hunter Biden clients and colleagues to the Oval Office, according to Devon Archer.  

Senior IRS whistleblowers testified to repeated examples of political interference by the Department of  Justice and the FBI in their tax investigations of Hunter Biden and his companies. By the way, the first son just got busted Thursday on three counts of felony gun charges with a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison.  

Those whistleblowers also produced a WhatsApp message where son Hunter threw a temper tantrum at his Chinese Communist investor in order to have him pay up a multimillion-dollar sum and disclosed that Mr. Biden was sitting right next to him. Call that “up close and personal” extortion.  

A senior FBI informant reported that the CEO of a Ukrainian oil company, Burisma, was extorted by Hunter Biden to the tune of $5 million for his father and another $5 million for the first son as a bribery scheme to get rid of a Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin. There’s an audio tape floating around that allegedly proves this — but the FBI and who knows who else is either blocking it or burning it, or dropping it in the Danube River.  

Then, poor Mr .Shokin lost his job because of a last-minute intervention by the vice president, even though the U.S. Department of State and its European counterparts all signed off on Ukraine’s anti-corruption reforms led by Mr. Shokin.  

Archer testified that the Biden family “brand” was influence peddling. In my non-lawyerly way, it seems to me influence peddling is a very big theme in all of this, side by side with bribery and the culture of corruption.  

Of course, Mr. Biden lied to the public for years in denying knowledge of his son’s business dealings. I save that for last, because it really is the lowest-hanging fruit in this story. Again, this is my small contribution to the grand story called the “Biden impeachment inquiry.”  

Many of these charges are allegations, but many of them have been factually proven. The failure of Bidenomics is not an allegation — it’s backed up by hard evidence — but charges of bribery, extortion, influence peddling, politicization of our justice system, and corruption in the justice department and the FBI are far greater crimes against American democracy.

From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business News.

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