Palestinian Protesters Demand Release of Israeli Hostages as Fury Mounts at Gaza Against Hamas

More than 100 days into the Israel-Hamas war, and public agitation is growing on both sides.

AP/Leo Correa
Israeli women demand the immediate release of the Israeli hostages held in the Gaza Strip by Hamas during a protest at Jerusalem. AP/Leo Correa

A video circulating online appears to show a rare protest by Gaza residents — an indication that civilians on both sides of the conflict are getting increasingly frustrated by the conflict in Israel. 

In the video, reportedly filmed near a hospital in the city of Deir al-Balah, in central Gaza, men, women, and children are chanting and carrying signs demanding the release of Israeli hostages. Around 130 Israelis remain captive after a weeklong cease-fire deal in November freed 100 others in exchange for the release of Palestinians imprisoned by Israel. 

Fury in Gaza is mounting against Hamas’s leader, Yehya Sinwar, who has rejected Israel’s proposal for a two-month ceasefire that would lead to the release of more Israeli captives and Palestinians. 

Israel’s proposal said that Hamas senior leaders could safely evacuate Gaza, going further than Israel’s previous offers to pause its military offensives. Yet the terrorist leaders are refusing to abandon Gaza and are urging the Israeli Defense Forces to completely withdraw. 

It appears now that increasing numbers of both Israelis and Palestinians want the war to end. “The only ones who want it to continue are the monsters who profit from it — Hamas,” Israeli writer Hen Massig, who shared the viral video, wrote on X. Sources in Gaza have confirmed the video is real, according to British-Palestinian journalist, John Aziz. 

With the marking of 100 days since Hamas’s October 7 attack, Israeli demonstrators are holding a “day of action” today, calling for an immediate deal to bring home the remaining Israeli captives. Dozens at a border crossing blocked aid trucks from entering the Gaza, insisting that the aid be conditional on the release of hostages. Hundreds of others in Tel Aviv held signs saying, “Their time is running out.”

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