‘Humanitarian Pause’ Means Politics, Pure and Simple

And, in the middle of a war, it’s the worst kind of politics.

AP/J. Scott Applewhite
Secretary Blinken tells the Senate Appropriations Committee that America should immediately send aid to Israel and Ukraine, at the Capitol, October 31, 2023. AP/J. Scott Applewhite

Will someone please tell me what’s the difference between a ceasefire and a humanitarian pause? Here’s Secretary Blinken at a Senate hearing today: “We do believe that we have to consider things like humanitarian pauses to make sure that assistance can get to those who need it and that people can be protected and get out of harm’s way.” 

So, I am confused: No ceasefire, but a humanitarian pause. Now, here’s the Oxford English Dictionary definition of a ceasefire: “a temporary suspension of fighting.”

Today, the National Security Council spokesman, John Kirby, said this: “It is, however, the time to consider pauses in the fighting long enough so that folks like your relatives and family members can get this incredibly needed humanitarian assistance.” 

Well, wait a minute. “Pauses in the fighting” sounds like a “ceasefire.” In fact, pauses in the fighting sounds a lot like “a temporary suspension of fighting,” which is how Oxford defines a ceasefire. So, I’m still confused.  

Now, why do the Bidens obsess over this so-called humanitarian pause?  

Because they’re trying to buy off the left wing of the Democratic Party. Okay, call it the far-left wing if you like, but they’re the rotten apples of the Squad that hate Israel, are totally antisemitic, and support the Hamas barbarians. 

These barbarians, by the way, murdered 1,400 civilians on October 7. They didn’t attack the Israeli military. They attacked defenseless civilians, who were mostly Israelis, but included Americans and people of many other countries.  

Back to the ceasefire. Or, is it a “pause”? Prime Minister Netanyahu has a better idea: “We’re going out of our way to prevent civilian casualties. Not only by asking civilians to move, calling them to move, arranging a place for them to be, which is safe. Also putting in humanitarian support.” 

In other words, Israel will supply the humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians. Otherwise, as we all know, Hamas — or its pals in the UN — will steal the so-called humanitarian aid and that aid will be used to resupply the Hamas murderers. 

Mr. Blinken knows this. The defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, knows this. The national security advisor, Jake Sullivan, knows this. Mr. Kirby knows this. And President Biden knows this, too. This whole business about a “humanitarian pause” is just politics. Pure and simple.  

Actually, it’s the worst kind of politics, as Israel is fighting for its very existence. And, as the Wall Street Journal today said in an editorial, “while anti-Semitism is surging around the globe, even in the West, this shows how utterly important it is that Israel must win its fight for survival.” 

Shame on Mr. Biden and company for playing politics during wartime. But even if Team Biden tries to put the cuffs on the IDF, Israel and its leaders won’t let them. 

From Mr. Kudlow’s broadcast on Fox Business News.

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