House Democrat Endorses Opponent of Colleague Jamaal Bowman in Bitter Primary Fight

Congressman Josh Gottheimer is one of Israel’s most ardent defenders in the House and now becomes the first sitting Democrat to endorse the opponent of his fellow congressman.

Alex Wong/Getty Images
Rep. Jamaal Bowman was a proponent of the 'Green New Deal', a signature legislative proposal from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's far-left 'Squad'. Alex Wong/Getty Images

Westchester County executive George Latimer has won the endorsement of a New Jersey Democrat, Congressman Josh Gottheimer, who now becomes the first member to endorse the opponent of his colleague, Congressman Jamaal Bowman. 

In a message posted to X on Monday, Mr. Gottheimer said he was “proud” to endorse Mr. Latimer over Mr. Bowman, who has made a number of anti-Israel remarks in the past and has dabbled in conspiracy theories. Those controversies have been highlighted by a tidal wave of television and digital advertisements paid for by pro-Israel outside spending groups. 

“We need more commonsense leaders and problem solvers in Congress. I know George will fight hate in all forms, and stand up for the values we all believe in,” Mr. Gottheimer says. 

Mr. Bowman could be the first “Squad” member to lose re-election on Tuesday after a fierce challenge from Mr. Latimer over the last several months. Since October 7, Mr. Bowman has alienated himself from even the most liberal, pro-two-state solution Jews in his district. More than 130,000 Jews live in Mr. Bowman’s district, which covers the southern part of Westchester County, New York, and a small sliver of the north Bronx. 

Several other members of the “Squad” have faced primary challenges this year, though Mr. Bowman appears to be the most in danger. According to a poll first obtained by HuffPost, Mr. Latimer was leading Mr. Bowman by ten points in the Democratic primary before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee began spending in the race. 

A fellow Black New York lawmaker, Congressman Ritchie Torres, has sparred with Mr. Bowman in recent days after Mr. Bowman referred to Mr. Torres as “calculated” in his support for Israel. Mr. Torres hinted that he may endorse Mr. Latimer in the primary, though he has not yet done so.

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