No Passport Needed, Swiss Say as They Approve E.U. Zone

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The New York Sun

GENEVA – Independent-minded Swiss voters gave the shaken European Union a vote of confidence yesterday, approving participation in an E.U. passport-free zone even though Switzerland has never joined the 25-nation bloc.

Same-sex couples also were granted more rights in the two-issue referendum, marking the first time the issue has been put to a national vote in Europe.

Signaling Swiss desire for closer integration with the European Union, about 55% of voters supported joining Europe’s passport-free “Schengen” zone by 2007.

Switzerland’s President Schmid hailed the result as backing for the coalition government’s policy of developing closer links with the rest of Europe, but he said the government would not ignore the large majority that voted against Schengen membership.

In Brussels, Belgium, the E.U. foreign affairs commissioner, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, and Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini welcomed the vote on behalf the European Commission.

The vote is “an important positive signal for Europe at a time when Euro-skepticism – hopefully only temporarily – is gaining the upper hand,” Germany’s interior minister, Otto Schily, said.

The Schengen zone allows travel through all participating countries without border checks. The 15 current members are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden.

Under Switzerland’s system of direct democracy, the people’s consent is required on any major issue, including closer integration with the rest of Europe.

Before yesterday’s vote, experts predicted that French and Dutch rejection of the E.U. constitution during the past week would encourage Schengen opponents, and opinion polls showed a rapid narrowing of the majority in favor of joining the zone.

The government has been in favor of joining the European Union and its passport-free area, but many of Switzerland’s German speakers had opposed greater integration with the rest of the continent.

When Switzerland joins Schengen in 2007, customs controls will remain in place since the country remains outside the European Union.

Security measures also could be stepped up for major events such as the annual World Economic Forum in Davos and soccer’s 2008 European Championships, which Switzerland is co-hosting with Austria.

In the referendum’s other issue, a larger majority – 58% – were in favor of granting more rights to same-sex couples. Starting in 2007, registered same-sex couples will be receive the same tax and pension status as married couples, but they will not be allowed to adopt children or undergo fertility treatment.

It is the first national vote in Europe on such an issue, although other countries, such as Germany, have passed laws allowing registration of same-sex couples.

The two topics sparked a larger turnout than usual in Switzerland’s referendums, which are held three or four times a year. About 56% of the 4.82 million eligible voters participated, about 10% more than the average turnout over the past 15 years.

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