As Iran Uses Its Puppets To Harass and Humiliate America, Biden Offers Excuses and Equivocations To Avoid a Fight

‘Death to America,’ the Ayatollah says, ‘is not just a slogan — it is a policy.’

AP/Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader, file
Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. AP/Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader, file

We are living through one of the most amazing and embarrassing episodes in American history. An Iranian dictatorship, which routinely chants “Death to America” and “Death to Israel,” is using its paid proxies and puppets to harass, threaten, and humiliate America.

When our nation was young and weak, we sent the Navy and the Marines to the “shores of Tripoli” to defeat and punish Ottoman Barbary pirates (effectively the terrorists of their day). Today, we are wringing our hands and cowering behind excuses and equivocations to avoid defending American men and women who have volunteered to defend their country.

The Biden administration admits attacks on Americans are underway. A defense official told CNN there have been 76 attacks on Americans in Iraq and Syria since mid-October.

The assault on American soldiers, interests, and assets extends far beyond the northern part of the region. Just Sunday, the United States Ship Carney shot down missiles and drones that were trying to hit merchant ships in international waters. In one case, the Carney shot down a drone which seemed to be headed toward the ship itself.

Despite two months of continuing attacks, the Biden administration is desperately trying to avoid confronting Iran over these attacks by its proxies (or more precisely, puppets). The weapons come from Iran. The money comes from Iran. The training comes from Iran. None of the attacks could occur if the Iranians weren’t supporting them.

But if the Biden administration was honest about the ultimate source of attacks on Americans, it would be in a confrontation with Iran. President Biden is desperately trying to avoid this. Instead, he is supporting billions in sanction waivers to the Iranian dictatorship. Iran is using the extra cash to fund more terror. 

Mr. Biden is still trying to wish into existence President Obama’s fantasy of a supposedly moderate Iran which can be a source of stability in the Middle East. This is hogwash – and it’s dangerous. 

In a televised speech in November, Ayatollah Ali Khameini said, “The situation between America and Iran is this: When you chant ‘Death to America!’ it is not just a slogan — it is a policy.”

You would think this is clear enough (even for a cognitively confused Mr. Biden and his leftwing fantasy team at the National Security Council and the State Department). However, since the Biden administration has had Iranian agents in its departments of state and defense for months, it is a little hard for them to be realistic about their enemy (and Iran under the current dictatorship is an active enemy).

Of course, admitting that Ayatollah Khameini is telling the truth when he says that “Death to America” is a policy not a slogan would require developing a strategy to deal with an active enemy.

The other major part of this puzzle is that Iran is the primary funder, weapons supplier, and trainer for Hezbollah on Israel’s north and Hamas on Israel’s south. If Iran is untouchable, and operations to weaken it are unthinkable, the dangers to Israel’s survival will continue to grow.

Those Arab nations that fear Iran and want America to be strong are severely shaken by the weakness, cowardice, and confusion of the Biden administration.

The great British Parliamentarian and defender of freedom, Edmund Burke, warned about this kind of situation more than 250 years ago. Burke said, “when bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”

A century later, John Stuart Mill warned, “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”

A quote often (but controversially) ascribed to George Orwell captures the dilemma of the Biden administration “People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”

Mr. Biden is for the peaceful sleep but is unwilling to use the rough men who secure it.

Each day, Iran and its puppets grow bolder and America looks weaker. Our young men and women run the risk of becoming casualties because of a White House that is incapable of confronting reality.

It takes guts to confront and defeat evil. Currently, the White House is cowering rather than being courageous. The Iranian dictatorship will only continue spreading its evil if good people continue doing nothing.

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