After Trailing Trump for Months, Biden Takes Narrow Lead in Fox Presidential Poll

Among voters with an unfavorable opinion of both President Biden and President Trump — so-called ‘double haters’ — Mr. Biden leads Trump 27 percent to 21 percent with Mr. Kennedy receiving 35 percent support.

AP, file
Presidents Biden and Trump. AP, file

President Biden has taken the lead in national presidential polling for the first time in months in the wake of the felony conviction of President Trump at the end of May, according to a new survey.

The survey from Fox News found that the election swung in favor of Mr. Biden by three points, going to a one point lead for Mr. Biden in June from a two point lead for Trump in May. 

Mr. Biden now leads Trump 50 percent to 48 percent, a margin within the survey’s plus or minus three point margin of error. It is the first time Mr. Biden has led since October, when he bested Trump by one point.

When other candidates are included, Mr. Biden’s numbers also improved, with Mr. Biden leading Trump 43 percent to 42 percent. Attorney Robert Kennedy Jr. also received 10 percent support while professor Cornel West and the Green Party nominee, Jill Stein, received two points each.

Among voters with an unfavorable opinion of both Mr. Biden and Trump — so-called “double haters” — Mr. Biden leads Trump 27 percent to 21 percent, with Mr. Kennedy receiving 35 percent support, Mr. West receiving 7 percent support, and Ms. Stein receiving 10 percent support.

“The underlying demographic tendencies that have defined the race remain in place,” pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts Fox News surveys alongside pollster Chris Anderson, said. “Biden has improved slightly with women and seniors, which keeps him afloat despite significant reductions from 2020 in support from younger voters and African Americans.”

Among Black voters, Mr. Biden received 73 percent support, which was six points below the 79 percent support the Fox News Poll reported at this point in 2020. In 2020, however, Mr. Biden won 91 percent of the Black vote.

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